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Head over to our payment page!
The handbook is currently undergoing revisions for the 2019-2020 school year. It is expected to have the update version available by early August.
Safe school policies
Volunteers opportunities are available in several areas of our fundraising efforts, from event help, research, marketing, data entry, you name it we could use it. Volunteer as little or as much time as you have. If you would like to volunteer view our support page for more information
Peace Valley 2019/2020 Academic Calendar
Peace Valley classes are 5 days a week Monday through Friday with a shortened day on Thursdays for weekly faculty meetings and on-going professional development.
School days for full day kindergarten as well as grades 1 - 7 start at 8:20 and end at 3:30, except on Thursdays, which end at 1 o’clock. Morning kindergarten starts at 8:20 and ends at 11:45, except on Thursdays, which end at 10:30. Afternoon kindergarten starts at 12:05 and ends at 3:30, except on Thursdays, which start at 10:50 and end at 1 o’clock.
Students may arrive at school up to 15 minutes before school starts. Students who arrive before 8:05 must be checked in to Before Care, the drop-in rate for which is $10/day. At the end of the day, students must be picked up at 3:30, unless they are attending After Care. Any student not picked up by 3:45 will be signed in to After Care, the drop-in rate for which is $18/day.
Peace Valley Charter has contracted with Brown Bus Company for transportation services. If you are interested in your child riding the school bus as a regular means of transportation to and from school and you haven't already filled out a form, please contact Brown Bus at m.carter@brownbuscompany.com with your Transportation Form. The eligibility of applications will be verified by Brown Bus upon receipt.
General Bus Information
Students who live within Peace Valley’s enrollment boundary will be given priority during the route design process. Our buses run mornings and afternoons for the whole school at once - midday busing is not possible at this time. Thursdays the bus will leave the school 45 minutes earlier than the other days because it is our early release day. The bus will not go door to door but will pick up children from safe designated group pickup points (chosen by Brown Bus Company) within our attendance area.
Parents are responsible for the safety of their children before they get on the bus and once they are dropped off. Kindergarten children must have a parent or authorized person to meet them at the bus door, or they will be kept on the bus and returned to the school. Any questions regarding bus times or routes should be directed to Brown Bus Company.
Brown Bus Welcome Letter to Families
Bus Routes Information
Peace Valley uses natural, high-quality artistic tools and materials for your child. These supplies are an integral part of a Waldorf curriculum.. Waldorf materials are hard to find and more expensive than traditional school supplies when purchased independently. As a school, Peace Valley can receive a discount when purchasing these supplies in bulk. Because of this, we ask for a suggested donation of $140/student for us to purchase these supplies, rather than providing a list of school supplies for families to shop for.
Donations can be made at any time and can be broken into several smaller payments if necessary.
Money donated is tax-deductible and helps to cover the purchase of main lesson books (in lieu of textbooks), watercolor paper, beeswax block and stick crayons, modeling beeswax and clay, colored pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, calligraphy pens and paper, knitting yarn, raw wool, Eurythmy shoes, and more.
Any amount donated will assist us with our school supplies for the year. We thank you for your contribution! Checks can be mailed to Peace Valley Charter School, at 1845 S Federal Way, Boise, ID 83705.
The Before/Aftercare program of Peace Valley Charter School (PVCS) exists to support the needs of families as well as maintain the rhythms, reverence, and rituals established by the schools. The before/aftercare and enrichment programs are available to PVCS students, ages 5 to 13. Enrollment in the program begins with a completed application and a $25 application fee.
Before anyone can volunteer with our school, they must fill out the volunteer application. Depending on the capacity in which you'd like to serve, you may need to complete a criminal history check and fingerprinting as well. Our volunteer tier document explains the requirements for each tier.<
State law requires all individuals working with children complete a brief mandated reporter training. The training slides and signature sheet can be found here or in the front office.
Some great ways to get involved right away are by signing up for Fresh Air Shift and the Lunch Buddies Program. Having parents help on a regular basis in these areas makes a huge difference for our school - thank you for your support.
Once your paperwork is complete, if you want to help in your child's classroom, be sure to set up your volunteer times with your class teacher before you plan to come in. They manage their own classrooms, and so they can tell you what days and times they need your help.
And finally, remember to log your volunteer hours in the front office or on our volunteer tracking form. We can use these hours when applying for grants!
Do you have a connection with an individual business, foundation or grant, that will donate or impact invest in a low-interest loan? If you have somebody in mind that might be a good fit for us we would be appreciated being connected. We can provide you with a marketing packet to presented or an introduction could be facilitated for a direct meeting with Governing Board member(s).
We are looking for business support through donations of any size. Targeted donation examples: furnishing a classroom ($8,500); purchasing needed outdoor items and garden, art and science equipment; helping finance technology needs for Student Information System software, printers, and teacher computers; purchasing music equipment like recorders and violins; investing in our teachers by supporting their Waldorf certification.
If you'd like to voluntarily donate to our School Supplies Fund or our Field Trips Please follow the link below.
Peace Valley is now set up for Amazon Smiles. You can voluntarily sign up or change your charitable organization to Peace Valley and Amazon Smiles will make a donation to the school.
If you want to participate, the most important item to remember, so that Peace Valley benefits from this program, is that you must login through smile.amazon.com on your computer or your phone browser for your purchase to be credited towards us. Purchasing through regular amazon.com or through their phone app will not get Peace Valley any credit for your purchase. So, please remember, make sure it says smile.amazon.com, and you are using a browser, if you'd like to voluntarily participate.
To Sign up at smile.amazon.com/ch/81-4365929
To change your charitable organization:
- Sign in to smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
- From your desktop, go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
- Select a new charitable organization to support. Our EIN is 81-4365929, or search using Peace Valley, and make sure to pick the one with the Boise address.
Earn cash for our school by simply clipping Box Tops found on hundreds of products. One dime at a time we can make a difference. Box Tops can be dropped off at the front desk, please double check the expiration date prior to you or your student turning them in. For a complete list of products please visit www.boxtops4education.com/earn/participating-products.
If you'd like to participate, have your children sort out expired ones, and practice their cutting skills, as we want the Box Tops to be all ready for submittal, with minimal work for those that will wrangle it all together.
You are invited to voluntarily sign up for the Fred Meyer School Rewards Program! With large schools like ours, all of these programs can bring in some very easy passive income, and every dollar counts as we get through our inaugural year. Thank you in advance for considering participating in Fred Meyer rewards.